Thursday, June 16, 2011

Special Events Into July

So what's coming up in the Gatlinburg section of the Smokies these days?

Well, tomorrow evening Gatlinburg returns its newest major summer tradition to the streets of Gatlinburg with Gatlinburg Tunes and Tales! Seven nights a week we have performances all throughout the evening and all throughout the city with musicians, dancers, storytellers and much more adding a significant touch of southern Appalachia to our summer here in the Smokies.

Then we have the Fourth of July to think about! The Midnight Fourth of July Parade at midnight the minute it turns 12:00AM (5 minutes after 11:55PM on 7/3/11), River Raft Regatta from 9:00AM on on River Road in Gatlinburg, and the fireworks going off at sundown over the city!

Make reservations at See you soon!